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Interview: The Austrian Four-Hills rookie Elias Tollinger

Interview: The Austrian Four-Hills rookie Elias Tollinger

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ATH: Elias, how is it to be part of the Four-Hills-Tournament for the first time?

Elias Tollinger: It's a good feeling to be able to compare myself against the world's elite. One has a certain anticipation and positive strain. All in all it was a good experience.

ATH: You made it against many experienced jumpers to qualify for the competition! How was that for you?

ET: It was another great step for me. I didn't have my best jumps but I knew, if I can get together good jumps, a lot will be possible for me.

ATH: Anders Bardal is a really though rival. What did you think, when you found out about this duel? Was it fun to jump against him?

ET: I already thought it'll be a hard duel but I had nothing to lose and even people like Anders Bardal put their pants on one leg at a time. ;-)

Anyway, it has been great fun to be part of the Tournament!

ATH: When did you learn that you would get the chance to appear in the Four-Hills-Tournament? What was your first thoought?

ET: During this junger winter I already showed nice jumps and was able to become part of the COC team. Because of this it wasn't much of a surprise to be one of 6 to be chosen to get the chance to compete. Surely it was a movitation for me and everyone, who took part.

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ATH: Where are the differences compared to the competitions, you already took part in?

ET: The difference between the competition classes actually is only in the level of jumping and the Streuung of results. You really need to show great performances to be part. And in the World Cup there (mostly) aren't many jumpers doing many mistakes ;-)

ATH: What is your resume about your participation in the Austrian part of the Four-Hills-Tournament? Did you like that two Austrians were ahead of all others?

ET: Yes of course, it's a fantastic experience and a casual event, especially when two of my colleagues belong to the top of the world and rocking the Tournament. ;-)

ATH: Can you give us a short summary of your ski jumping year 2014?

ET: 2014 was a really productive year. Intensive training, good competitions and great experiences, especially at the Junior World-Championships in Val di Fiemme.

ATH: Where will we see you next?

ET: I will primarily be competing in COC's and in three weeks we'll have our season's Höhepunkt: The Junior World-Championships in Almaty.

ATH: We wish you lot's of success for this big event and -of course- for the whole season! Thank you for this interview!

by Peggy Kierstan

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