The favorites - the attackers
The favorites - The attackers
Here are the hottest names and their latest results - build your own opinion about their chances to win!
Roman Koudelka
25 years old
2 WC-victories
latest results: 1st -10th -6th -11th -1st -2nd -1st
Michael Hayböck
23 years old
1 team WC-victories
latest results: 9th -5th -5th -3rd -3rd -9th -5th -3rd -3rd
Simon Ammann
33 years old
23 WC-victories
3rd in last 4HT – has won nearly everything – except the 4HT!
latest results: 7th -1st -1st -35th -5th -9th -2nd
Anders Fannemel
25 years old
1 WC-victory
current World-Cup leader (yellow bib)
latest results: 4th -6th -6th -2nd -6th -1st -2nd -21st -8th
Richard Freitag
25 years old
4 WC-victories
latest results: 10th -16th -19th -46th -40th -1st -5th
Jernej Damjan
31 years old
1 WC-victory
latest SGP-winner
latest results: 12th -18th -9th -8th -18th -12th -24th -3rd -4th
Severin Freund
26 years old
10 WC-victories
Olympic Gold medalist
latest results: 16th -7th -3rd -6th -4th -3rd -1st -7th -10th
Gregor Schlierenzauer
24 years old
53 WC-victories
most successful ski-jumper of all time
latest results: 15th -24th -12th -1st -13th -2nd -4th -23rd -11th
Peter Prevc
22 years old
3 WC-victories
latest results: 5th -9th -4th -5th -2nd -5th -9th -5th -12th
Noriaki Kasai
42 years old
17 WC-victories
oldest Olympic medalist winner in ski-jumping
with silver (individual) and bronze (team) in 2014
latest results: 6th -3rd -1st -12th -17th
Stefan Kraft
21 years old
2 team WC-victories
latest results: 2nd -13th -13th -17th -11th -4th -3rd -6th -9th
Andreas Wellinger
19 years old
1 WC-victory
fell in Ruka – will he be back for the 4HT?
latest results: 3rd -14th
- by Peggy Kierstan